Sponsorship Update – March 2014
Dear Friends of Project Chacocente:
Thank you so much for your continuing support of Project Chacocente! Your sponsorship is truly making a difference in the WHOLE life of your child, the families of Project Chacocente, and the families in the surrounding communities. The new school year began in February with 153 students enrolled in pre-school through eleventh grade with class size averaging 15 students. We continue to provide a quality education taught by dedicated teachers.

Preschool class with teacher, Fátima del Rosario Alemán Martínez Children enter the preschool at age four and spend two years in the program before going on to first grade. Our hope is that all the children will stay in our school and graduate from high school.

Eleventh grade class with English teacher, (Jorge) David Arellano Obando (on the right; one of our own from Project Chacocente) These students are excited about being in school and graduating in December. They have already invited us to their graduation ceremony.

Computer class in the computer lab taught by José Luis Paiz López who is beginning his seventh year teaching at Project Chacocente.
Support José Luis’s Continuing Education
You may have heard the story of José Luis. He truly is one of the miracles of Project Chacocente. Living and scavenging in the Managua Dump, one day he came upon pieces of a computer among the trash heaps. He picked them up and took them to his “home”. His passion for computers began! Days later, he found more and began a collection of discarded computer parts. Being a curious young man, he pieced them together and built a functioning computer.
Much has happened since those days. José moved to Project Chacocente in 2006 and worked hard to build a better life. He attended a basic Computer Training course as part of the Project’s commitment to adult education. For several years, José has shared his love and knowledge of computers with the students of Chacocente Christian School as their Computer Science Teacher.
In an effort to further his education, which he can then share with his students, José is currently enrolled in a two and one-half year Advanced Computer Training course at the Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (National University of Engineering), Facultad de Electrotecnia y Computación (Faculty of Electricity and Computers) in Managua.
Please consider supporting José as he continues his journey out of poverty. The monthly tuition is $35 and your assistance for one, two or several months is greatly appreciated. If interested please email [email protected] or call Robyn at 585-752-9070.
Sponsor a Teacher
We are very proud of the devotion and expertise of all of our teachers. Aiming to provide academic opportunities far above those available at state-run schools, we hire only qualified, capable Christian teachers. We recognize that most teachers in Nicaragua are grossly underpaid (earning less than sweat shop workers) and we are committed to fairly compensating our employees.
We’re hoping you will help us! Please consider sponsoring a teacher! Your $500 monthly sponsorship will better the lives of not only the teacher but also the lives of his or her students. Join together with friends and churches to truly make a lasting effect.
Continuing Education Scholarships
Several young people at Project Chacocente are also interested in expanding their education, especially in studying English, and we want to help them! Education will increase their self-esteem and job marketability. Can you help?
Partial scholarships, as well as full scholarships, are greatly appreciated. If interested please email [email protected] or call Robyn at 585-752-9070.
Sponsor a child at the Chacocente Christian School
Urgent! Additional sponsors are still needed to provide the necessary funds to run the school for this year. If you know someone who might be interested in sponsoring a child for $360 a year, have them contact us at [email protected].
For more information and further updates, visit the Project Chacocente website,
www.outofthedump.org. or friend us on Facebook at Friends of Project Chacocente.
Thank you for your continued interest in and support of Project Chacocente. Remember to always label any donations, including sponsorship payments, with the child’s name and payment period on the memo line or what the donation is to be used for, for example, the general budget or teacher salaries. Or you may wish to include a note explaining your donation. If you are using your donation as a tax deduction, please donate through your church or “Valencia UMC” with “Project Chacocente” in the memo line and mailed to Valencia UMC, Attention Project Chacocente Coordinator, 25718 McBean Parkway, Valencia, CA, 91355. Otherwise donations may be sent to Project Chacocente, USA, P.O. Box 128, Lexington, Massachusetts, 02420. If you are making payments through PayPal, be sure to add the child’s name in the “special instructions for the recipient” box. PleasenotethatPayPalchargesafeeforusingtheirservice. Ifyouareable,pleaseadd21⁄2% to your donation to cover this fee.
If you have any questions or comments, you may contact us at [email protected] or the following addresses:
Mary Beth Kelley
349 Basket Road Webster, New York 14580
Omar Hernández Roa
del Colegio Salomón Ibarra Mayorga 4calsur,1cabajo
Tipitapa, Nicaragua
América Central
¡Qué Dios les bendiga!
¡Feliz Primavera!