Let’s Keep Chacocente Christian School’s Library Going!
Project Chacocente T-shirts are now available for purchase. Thanks to all our talented supporters who submitted designs for our T-shirt fundraiser! Entries were sent to Nicaragua where the high school students at Chacocente Christian School chose the winner. Many thanks to Brennon Thompson for his creative design!
All funds raised will support the school library. Our lending library is one of a very few in Nicaragua. Students in all grade levels are scheduled time in the library where they are exposed to an assortment of reading activities. In addition, School Librarian José provides individual and group reading lessons and assists the teaching staff with lesson planning. Thanks to his dedication and enthusiasm for reading, the library is always busy. The door remains open far beyond the last bell of the school day for students to relax and read a favorite book or to research a homework assignment.
Please support reading at Chacocente Christian School by purchasing one of these T-shirts for $20 online at Booster.com! Visit https://www.booster.com/chacocentechristianschoollibrary or on Facebook at: