Exciting News! Spread the Word!
September 5, 2013
Now is the perfect time to make a donation to Project Chacocente!
Why now?
Because two very generous supporters have each offered to give $5,000 to Project Chacocente IF MATCHING DONORS ARE FOUND!
What dos this mean?
It means a possible $20,000 for Project Chacocente!
This means they will match the next $10,000 donated by you!
How will this money be used?
School lunches, textbooks, salaries, electric bills, security, teaching supplies, psychiatric evaluations, fuel and much more are routine expenses.
Each month $14,000 is needed to run the school and project.
How can you help?
Pray NOW for success!
Donate NOW.
Any amount will be matched – large or small!
Send your donation to:
Project Chacocente
PO Box 128
Lexington, MA 02420
*Please note “Matched donation” in the memo.