Chacocente News – July 2018
Dear Project Chacocente supporters,
Nicaragua remains in the throes of violent unrest that has brought the nation to a standstill. Initially spawned by the Ortega government’s April 17th announcement of increased social security costs and reduced benefits, student-led protests continued even after the proposed changes were rescinded days later, owing to widespread and longstanding dissatisfaction with the Ortega regime’s history of corruption and subversion of democratic principles. Demonstrators have blocked roads and highways in an attempt to force talks that would lead to the departure of Ortega and his wife, Rosario Murillo, who is vice-president. Government-sponsored paramilitary gangs and at least some police have responded to demonstrators with deadly violence; to date more than 200 people have been killed and over 2000 wounded. Looting and vandalism have been common. There has been some dialogue mediated by the Roman Catholic Church, but little definite progress. The future is uncertain. We continue to monitor the crisis, remaining in close touch with our staff and dear friends in Nicaragua, whose safety and that of our students and teachers remains our highest priority. Although Chacocente Christian School was initially able to keep its doors open, the closure of roads and the threat of sporadic violence have required that classes be suspended for virtually all of June to date. Because public
markets have been either closed or inaccessible, earlier this month our staff distributed to the families of Project Chacocente the food that had been purchased for this June’s school lunches. In this time of crisis, with prayers that the conflict might be resolved swiftly, peacefully and for the benefit of all the people of Nicaragua, we will continue to direct our financial resources toward paying our staff and teachers their livelihoods and providing emergency relief, as there is need and as we are able, to the families of the Project and the surrounding community. We hope to be able to re-open Chacocente Christian School in the near future and resume fulfilling our primary mission of alleviating poverty through superior primary and secondary education and effective witness for Christ. We ask for your prayers for Nicaragua and for Project Chacocente. We also ask that you continue to support the Project financially, as generously as you can. Like the Apostle Paul (Philippians 1:3-5), we thank God for you and for “your partnership in the Gospel from the first day until now.”
With warmest regards in Christ,
Rev. John Shaver and Larry Gage
Project Chacocente USA
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We are grateful for all our supporters. These are a few fundraisers you’ve shared with us. We’d love to hear of fundraisers in your area.
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Since 2008 Allegheny College has been raising funds for Chacocente with their annual Gators Give Back Rummage Sale. Furniture and other household goods are collected at the end of the school year and sold at a two-day sale. This year they raised $3,000! Thanks to Kirsten Peterson, Jim Fitch and the dozens of students who have helped through the years. Thanks also to Stone UMC in Meadville, PA for hosting the event.
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NCUCC members have been steadfast supporters of Project Chacocente for more than 10 years. A Folk Music Sing Along held on June 2nd featured Bill Cohen and Carl Yaffey and was a great success. This year’s concert raised $2,000 designated for Chacocente Christian School. Thanks to Kim Heimlich, Chris Isaacs and all who helped organize, and thanks to all who attended.
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The Searchers Class, from John Wesley UMC in Houston, has supported Chacocente Christian School since 2012. In monthly “Supper Clubs” they gather for fellowship and delicious meals, and from the free-will offerings at supper and out of their class budget, they generously support the English program. Thanks to all! And those prayers before dinner are greatly appreciated as well!
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- Pray daily for the safety of the families, students, staff, and our neighbors.
- Tell others what is happening in Nicaragua.
- Give generously during this time of crisis.
- Organize a fundraiser at your church, workplace or neighborhood.
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Thank you for supporting Project Chacocente. Your prayers, donations, time, and work to share the story are making a difference, and we appreciate you! Your help is vital to continuing the work at Project Chacocente. Visit our website www.outofthedump.org for details about the various ways to sponsor and support the Project. Donations may be mailed to: Project Chacocente, PO Box 128, Lexington, MA 02420
YES! I want to become a sponsor
____ Child ($30/month or $360/year)
____ Classroom ($700/month or $8,500/year)
____ English Student ($55/month or $660/year)
YES! I want to support Project Chacocente
____ $50 ____ $100 ____ $500 ____ Other
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