Newsletter – Winter 2014
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Families Receive the Deeds to Their Property
I wish each of you could have been present January 7th as the families received the deeds to their property. In an emotional ceremony, Founder Cheryl Avery presented eight families with the rights to their homes and two acres of farmland.
As I looked at the room of people I now know as friends, I understood more than ever that I was witnessing a miracle. God held the hands of each one as they faced and overcame fear, malnutrition, depression, illiteracy, lack of a water supply, funding concerns and poor quality schools, not to mention everyday challenges such as personality conflicts, boredom and parenting issues.
His presence is evident in the way they now conduct their lives. Living in hope and gratitude, they have become new creations! The old is gone and the new has come! By Robyn Gage
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;
the old has gone, the new has come! 2Corinthians 5:17
School Director Ervin Dreams of the Future
The following comments are from School Director Ervin Ruiz responding to questions about his hopes for Chacocente Christian School.
“Our vision is to distinguish ourselves, in the Municipality of Masaya, by the quality
of our educational services, with qualified personnel, supplied with didactic and bibliographic material. This will permit us
to diminish the dropout and repetition rates, with the active participation of the parents. Since 2012 we have expanded to include grades 7, 8, 9 and 10. With God’s help we are adding grade 11, the final year of high school in Nicaragua, in 2014.”
“Between 2014 and 2018 our school will graduate 62 students, who will be prepared to begin higher and technical education, according to the aspirations of each student.”
“By guaranteeing education to the children of the Project we are guaranteeing these future generations better perspectives on life, a better vision of family, community development, citizen security, a better world
501 (c) (3) Status
We deeply regret any inconvenience caused by the revocation of our non-profit status. The CPA assisting us is confident that retroactive reinstatement should be granted soon. We have taken steps to ensure this never happens again.