Support José Luis’s Continuing Education
You may have heard the story of José Luis. He truly is one of the miracles of Project Chacocente. Living and scavenging in the Managua Dump, one day he came upon pieces of a computer among the trash heaps. He picked them up and took them to his “home”. His passion for computers began! Days later, he found more and began a collection of discarded computer parts. Being a curious young man, he pieced them together and built a functioning computer.
Much has happened since those days. José moved to Project Chacocente in 2006 and worked hard to build a better life. He attended a basic Computer Training course as part of the Project’s commitment to adult education. For several years, José has shared his love and knowledge of computers with the students of Chacocente Christian School as their Computer Science Teacher.
In an effort to further his education, which he can then share with his students, José is currently enrolled in a thirty month Advanced Computer Training course at the Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (National University of Engineering), Facultad de Electrotecnia y Computación (Faculty of Electricity and Computers) in Managua.
We currently have an offer of a matching grant to help fund Jose’s classes! Please consider supporting José as he continues his journey out of poverty. The monthly tuition is $35 and each month of tuition that you donate with be doubled by the matching grant! Your assistance for one, two or several months is greatly appreciated. If interested please email [email protected] or call Robyn at 585-752-9070.